Awesome window manager
installation and basic configuration
sudo apt update
sudo apt install awesome awesome-doc awesome-extra
mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome
sudo cp /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
sudo cp /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme.lua ~/.config/awesome/theme.lua
After saving the changes to the config file, press ctrl + mod + r
to reload the window manager.
Global layout selection is available at the upper right corner of the screen. Switch between them by clicking the mouse. It is good to comment out layouts you will not use:
awful.layout.layouts = {}
Help window with keybinds, change the colors to improve visibility:
theme.hotkeys_modifiers_fg = "#FFFFFF"
theme.hotkeys_label_fg = "#111111"
Usefull shortcuts
mod + s
- display keybinds
mod + r
- run prompt
mod + return
- open terminal
read more
- "An Intro To Awesome WM, Your First Tiling Window Manager" by Vashinator