Python crash course by Eric Matthes
Book resources, Finding employment pdf
Background knowledge and projects
- Learn the fundamentals: variables, lists, dictionaries, loops, conditional statements,
functions, classes, working with files, testing code
- Complete several larger projects from a book or other learning resource
- Build a meaningful project on your own or add a significant features to a project you
started in a tutorial
- Learn about intermediate concepts such as generators, async, recursion, regex, algorithms
and data structures...
- Become familiar with documentation
- Build portfolio
- Learn advanced features of your editor or IDE
- Use a version control system such as git
Searching for a job
- Decide what kind of job you are most interested in
- Research companies you might work for
- Find a job board with relevant listings, follow it for new opportunities
- Attend a meetup or conference, find online community
- Build your network
Applying for your first job
- Ask the questions you need in order to perform well in your job
- Stay long enough to complete meaningful projects and make contributions
- Keep an eye out for the right time to change jobs, as you gain experience
- Develop expertise in one area of programming, without getting stuck
- Continue to learn on your own time, maintain healthy work-life balance
- Find ways to help those who are just starting out